#4 Steve Jobs’ 2005 Standford Commencement Address


How did the talk affect you?

It says, 'Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life'.

Focus on yourself and and don't worry about what other people might think about.

Trust your inner voice and do what you want to do without being influenced by others.

How does this talk catch the listeners’ attention ?

He uses three stories: the first about connecting the dots, the second about love and loss, and the third about death.

Through the story tell us his life experience and what he would do in the face of these things.

Has the talk changed your mind about something? If so, explain how.

Choose work that you love, and you will continue to make progress. 

In the face of what I like, I always want to do the best in it.

I will work hard and have enthusiasm, and I will not compromise easily in the face of difficulties. 

As long as you do what you love, life will be happier.

Does the talk relate to anything from your past life experiences?

I have a lot of self-doubt, lack of confidence and care about what other people think.

It's easy to be influenced by thinking and feel as if you're wrong. 

After listening to this talk, I told myself to believe in myself, follow my heart, and don't be affected by others.

